Are your Hip Flexors Tight or are they just Weak??

A common complaint we hear on a weekly basis at Physio Performance Drogheda is:

My hip flexors are always tight, I’ve been stretching and foam rolling the hell out of them and they still feel the same

Does this sound like you??

When you feel tight in your hip flexors, stretching them won’t always help!!!

Why is this?

Because most of the time you aren’t tight but have a sensation of tightness as a result of underlying weakness.

Contrary to popular belief stretching most probably will not bring about a change in symptoms as often the reason for that sensation is because the work capacity of the muscle is nearing or has reached its threshold. It’s like how your calves don’t always feel tight before a run but often do afterwards. They didn’t get tighter. They’ve just been put under stress and are letting you know about it.

So how do you solve this issue?

Simple: You increase the work capacity and endurance of our hip flexors through specific strengthening exercises.

Below we will demonstrate the 3 Best Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises.

(1) Hip Flexor Isometric Exercise

(2) Lying Hip Flexion Band Resisted

(3) Mini-Band Hip Bridge March

To find out more how Physio Performance can help call 086-1958223 or click here to Book Online.



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